“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me
and I in you, you will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5
• The Spirit that Paul talks about is the Holy Spirit. It is part of the Trinity with God the Father, and Jesus, God the Son.
• God wanted to test Naaman’s faith.
• Naaman’s faith brought him a miraculous healing that day.
• Jesus can also heal a broken heart and a broken spirit, and he is still doing miracles today in people’s lives.
• A famous flood in the Bible teaches us that God protects those who love him.
• God will be there to help us to stay afloat, create peace for us and he will carry us to safety.
• God had just delivered his people, the Israelites, from slavery and they became thirsty in the wilderness.
• If we have faith, we will give our needs to God, and He will provide for us.
• The Bible tells us that we should care for one another.
• We should fellowship by reaching out and welcoming one other. That’s God’s hope for all of us.
• Moses and his aids realized that the key to victory was not some ancient military strategy, but obeying God.
• God can give us victory over our enemies and over sin.
• Instead of complaining, we need to
.take our bad days and our
disappointments to God.
• God will be there, and he will make life a little sweeter.
• God wants us to be the light of the world.
• God expects his followers to share Jesus in words and in actions.
• God does not like to be ignored.
• When God speaks, we need to listen.
• We need to be ready to hear and respond to whatever message God sends us.